Community Living Elgin


Our Vision: A community where all people feel included and can realize their potential.

Our Mission: We provide supports that empower people with a developmental disability, Early Years Children and their families to enhance their quality of life and life choices. 

Our Service Principles & Values:

Dignity and Respect - treat all people with dignity and respect built on trust-filled relationships and equality.

Rights and Responsibilities - support all people to realize their basic rights no matter their skills and capacities, but equally, also ensure they understand their important responsibilities in fulfilling their role as a citizen.

Listening - listen to all of our stakeholders, giving them voice and input into the work of Community Living Elgin and the outcomes being realized.

Culture of Excellence - develop an organizational culture that is team-based, fosters innovation, practices evaluation and assessment, and continually creates opportunities for learning and development.

Individualized Relationships - treat each person as an individual with their own needs, aspirations and choices through personalized planning and continually expanding their opportunities.

Partnership and Collaboration - pursue collaborative initiatives that leverage all the community's resources in better meeting the needs of all people in realizing their goals and aspirations.

Value Our People - value the work and commitment of our staff and volunteers in achieving the Mission of Community Living Elgin and the outcomes for all the people supported.

Accountability - be accountable for the decisions we make and the effective stewardship of the resources that are provided, acting with integrity in all that we do.


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