Meta offers a wide spectrum of services and personalized supports to help people live inclusive, engaged and enriched lives in the community.
A community where all persons thrive as valued, respected citizens leading dignified, fulfilling lives.
The people supported by Meta have the right to:
- Receive professional, respectful, non-discriminatory, compassionate, dignified-timely support.
- Be treated fairly, in an equitable manner.
- Receive complete and up to date information on their care.
- Expect individual information to be handled in confidence by all people working with them.
- Participate to the fullest extent possible in developing a plan of care that addresses their support needs.
- Receive information in a manner that is understandable about any aspect of the agency’s involvement.
- Expect that feedback and concerns about any aspect of the agency’s involvement be addressed in a timely and professional manner.
- Be able to ask questions if information given is not understood.
Meta provides support services to over 500 adults and children with intellectual disabilities, dual diagnosis, multiple disabilities, and mental health challenges.
Individuals are referred through Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) and self-referrals. Fee-for-services day and respite options are also available to individuals in the community.